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London: 01494 980 145
Manchester: 01612 970 384

Contact Benchmark Timber

Contact Us

Contact us

All prices are based on quantity.
Please contact us for a prompt competitive price.

We would very much appreciate your enquiry, we supply to the trade and private individuals.

We can send samples and give further guidance

Would you please let us know the preferred timber and cladding profile.

If you can also advise a quantity and delivery address we will quickly provide a quotation including any delivery costs.

Please contact us using the details below or by filling in the enquiry form.

Benchmark Timber Ltd
8 Montgomery Street
B11 1DU
London 01494 980145
Manchester 0161 2970384
Birmingham 01212896927

Enquiry form

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Please give the following information.
1. Timber and cladding profile.
2. Approximate square meters to be covered.
3. Town or post code for delivery.

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